Who We Are
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement
The Mission of Center Congregational Church is to Honor God and Grow in Christ; putting into action the message of God’s love, welcoming all, serving the community and world through outreach ministry, and acknowledging the worth of All People.
The Mission of Center Congregational Church is to Honor God and Grow in Christ; putting into action the message of God’s love, welcoming all, serving the community and world through outreach ministry, and acknowledging the worth of All People.
Our Vision Statement
Our Vision Statement
The vision of Center Congregational Church, UCC, is to be God’s beacon of love, justice, and hope in Meriden and beyond.
The vision of Center Congregational Church, UCC, is to be God’s beacon of love, justice, and hope in Meriden and beyond.
Our Value Statements
Our Value Statements
Serving God: We follow the example Jesus set for us; not to be served but to serve others. We support others through mission and outreach, while caring for those who are in need be they poor in spirit, lonely, or infirmed.
Serving God: We follow the example Jesus set for us; not to be served but to serve others. We support others through mission and outreach, while caring for those who are in need be they poor in spirit, lonely, or infirmed.
Respect: As an Open and Affirming church, we value, honor, and respect everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, class, political affiliation, gender identity, physical/mental ability, or sexual orientation.
Respect: As an Open and Affirming church, we value, honor, and respect everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, class, political affiliation, gender identity, physical/mental ability, or sexual orientation.
Creativity: We celebrate creativity, innovation, and technology use in worship, in programming for people of all ages, as well as in the utilization of our facilities, resources, skills and talents.
Creativity: We celebrate creativity, innovation, and technology use in worship, in programming for people of all ages, as well as in the utilization of our facilities, resources, skills and talents.
Loving: In all we do we strive to follow God’s greatest commandment to love God with all of our hearts, souls and minds, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. All of the beloved children of God are welcomed at Center Congregational Church, UCC.
Loving: In all we do we strive to follow God’s greatest commandment to love God with all of our hearts, souls and minds, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. All of the beloved children of God are welcomed at Center Congregational Church, UCC.