Lighted Tower Newsletter
Click on the image below to access our newsletter! See our ENews page and church calendar for the most up to date information on events at Center Church!
The season of Advent coincides with the traditional shopping season between
Thanksgiving and Christmas, yet the two are as different as they can be.
The Christmas shopping season started over a century ago when big department
stores in New York City got together and promoted the month between
Thanksgiving and Christmas as the time to shop. It was kicked off with ....
drumroll.... the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!
Advent is a season prior to Christmas that starts four Sundays before Christmas
and ends on December 24. It focuses on the theme of waiting for the birth of
Christ. It developed in the early centuries of the church's history and became
standardized in the early Middle Ages.
So why are the Christmas shopping season and Advent so different? Because of
the emphasis. The Christmas shopping season, which now starts before
Halloween, when stores start putting Christmas displays up, emphasizes rushing.
Do it now. Don't wait or you may not be able to get what you want. Rush. Rush.
Be busy, busy, busy.
Advent goes in a very different direction. It is a time of reflection, not busyness. It
is a time to pause and reflect. It isn't about flashing lights and over stimulation.
For much of the last century we have seen the Christmas season as anticipating
Christmas Day itself. In the Church calendar it is the opposite. Christmas does
not end on December 25. It starts on December 25 and goes for twelve days,
ending on January 5, with Epiphany coming on January 6.
I'm not going to tell you not to shop during the month of December, but bear in
mind that being busy is a choice. It is not imperative. Take some time to reflect,
to pause, and to wait for Christmas in silence.
In Christ,
Pastor Craig
News from the Diaconate
Thank you to Amy Stolting Greene for filling in and preaching while Reverend Cowing
was away at his organ restoration convention. We all enjoyed having a former youth
member from the congregation return to the pulpit again. Amy is living in New
Hampshire and studying for a career in youth ministry.
Concerning the upcoming pastoral search process, our Church Profile for seeking an
Interim Minister has been posted. The search committee is reviewing applicants, creating
questions and scheduling interviews. The process begins with an initial Zoom interview.
We will keep the congregation informed as the process develops.
Our appreciation goes out to Pastor Cowing for initiating the Homecoming Sunday on
October 20 th . It was nice seeing a few old faces, listening to the special music provided
by the music committee, enjoying the delicious lunch from Paul’s Deli, and viewing
some old photos on a slide show. Thank you to Nolan Rochette for putting the photo
collage together. The Christian Education committee will be adding to it and displaying
them at coffee hours they sponsor each first Sunday of the month. Please send any old or
new photos you have of our church or congregation to, we are
trying to compile a single collection.
A special thanks to Frank Covey for preparing the communion every month.
Care Team/Pastoral Care – We continue to pray for good health, recovery and comfort
for Dan & Linda Hatch, Linda & Tom Cioffi, Nancy Uryase, Robin Cusachs, Donald
Cusachs, Trevor Covey, and Brian Comstock. Please let Joan know if there is someone
who needs our prayers, a card, meal or a visit.
The first Confirmation class was held in October. Caitlin DePalma from CE and Jo
Harnois from Diaconate will be teaching. June 1, 2025, is scheduled to be Confirmation
Sunday. The confirmands this year are Nolan & Avery Rochette.
The Deacons are looking for volunteer bakers or coffee hosts for the fellowship service
(i.e., coffee hour) after church. Please let Susan Trella know if you are able to assist.
The Deacons next meet this Sunday November 3 rd . Please see Susan Trella if there is an
item you would like to be discussed.
Advent and Christmas season services and programs are being finalized by the Deacons
at their meeting on November 3 rd , and a separate flyer will be forthcoming shortly after
that; so, watch your mail or email for more news.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Trella Deacon Chair
Frank Covey, Jo Harnois, Maggie Sessa Schillberg, Diane Stolting, Mary Zysk
Accessibility News
The Accessibility Committee would like to make the Congregation aware of some of the
myriad items in our church to facilitate access for those in need of assistance.
Our Church Secretary provides us with large print Sunday bulletins including all the
hymns of the day.
We have grab bars in all restrooms and at the top of the stairs with the small stair
glide. The bathroom in the Fellowship Hall is fully accessible.
Our pews in the front and back of the Sanctuary are configured so as to accommodate
Two stair glides facilitate access from the Broad Street foyer of the Federal Room to
the Sanctuary and also between that foyer and the Fellowship Hall. The wheelchair
ramping to the East Main Street door of the Fellowship Hall completes the
accessibility from the parking lots to the Sanctuary.
We have equipment available for use on the premises or to borrow and sign out with
the Church Secretary. These include:
o Two wheelchairs including one with a specialized seat cushion, the other is a light
chair that is easy to use in a car.
o A lightweight transfer wheelchair for use when appropriate.
o Various canes and rolling walkers are also available.
o An ice therapy machine especially designed for in-home use after joint surgery.
The Committee thanks the Congregation for their continued support which enables us
to continue to maintain our stair glides in a safe manner.
Please contact the Church Secretary or a member of the Accessibility Committee if
you need access through the East Main Street door from the ramp from the rear
parking lot.
If there is any other accommodation which you would like to suggest please see a
committee member.
The members of our church’s Accessibility Committee comprises the following: Pat
Kenney, retired nurse; Caitlin DePalma, a Physical Therapist; Pam Gorman, an
Occupational Therapy Practitioner; and Tom Schillberg who assists in installing grab
bars and making sure there is water to welcome people into the sanctuary.
Thank you from all of us. – Pat, Caitlin, Pam and Tom
THANK YOU to everyone in the congregation who has been contributing cases and
bottles of Ensure and Boost and Glucerna and other brands of protein supplement that
Maggie has been able to take to the Soup Kitchen and distribute to needy persons in the
community. In addition, at the Soup Kitchen, Maggie was able to distribute 85 personal
health kits to clientele there. She and Tom assembled those kits here at the church.
These are ongoing needs of the homeless, underhoused and hungering population in this
part of Meriden, and we appreciate the support of the congregation is making it possible
for us to serve. Through our Parish Nurse and also through the Missions Committee we
are able to distribute grocery gift cards to some of the in-need people that we can help.
Also, as a reminder, Center Congregational Church is the only depot in New England for
Church World Service (CWS) and we are frequently receiving deliveries of relief
supplies being donated by churches throughout the New England and New York region.
MONTHLY DINNER OUT – Thursday, November 14 th
All members and friends of Center Church are invited to come together for an evening of
fun and fellowship on Thursday evening, November 14 th . Last month our dinner that we
held at East Side Restaurant in New Britain during their Oktoberfest was such a big hit
that we decided on the spot to go back there to hold our own Novemberfest dinner.
Why not? We can invent our own special occasion. After all, it’s a free country.
And, after all, it’s Jim Chapman’s birthday; and this gives
us all an excuse to get together and wish Jim a happy
birthday at a fun place with really good food. Wunderbar!
If you are planning to come, or if you would like to join us
for the first time, please contact Ardene Courchesne, as she
is making the reservations. This group meets once a month
on the second Thursday of each month.
Informally, this group is referred to as the “Tri-C” social
group. Diana Halla celebrating her Oktoberfest
birthday at TriC dinner, East Side Restaurant.
VETERANS DAY OBSERVANCE – Monday, November 11 th
All members of the congregation and our covenant community as a whole are invited to
attend the City of Meriden's Veterans Day Observance in the Veterans Plaza across
Broad Street from our Church on Monday, November 11th. The ceremonies commence
at 10:00 AM. Reverend Craig Cowing will deliver the Invocation.
The morning coffee-&-donuts station will be set up by the
Daughters of the American Revolution, assisted by the Girl
Scouts from Center Church. That setup will begin at 9:00. All
members of our church are invited to come and help out that
morning in support of the event. The Observance peaks with
the wreath laying at the World War I monument, in the middle
of Broad Street in front of the church, and the memorial rifle
In the event of inclement weather, by long-standing tradition,
the city’s Veterans Council moves the Observance to inside the
Center Congregational Church sanctuary. Over the many years,
this has only needed to be done once.
Meriden’s World War I monument (right) pays homage to America’s soldiers, sailors, marines and medical
services personnel of that war.
Thank you to everyone who helped support the “Hurricane Relief” efforts which the
Missions Committee conducted in the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. We were
able to send $1000.00 in support of the disaster relief missions of the UCC in Florida,
Georgia and the Carolinas. Thank you to one and all.
Please remember that we are continuing to collect non-perishable food for the little food
bank down the hill at Meriden Church of Christ (in the old synagogue).
Our Missions outreach supports several local as well as national and international
organizations as needs arise. We have been sending money monthly to the Meriden Soup
Kitchen (next door at First Baptist Church), Connecticut Food Share, and the Heifer
project. If there is an organization you would like us to send money to, please let
someone on the Mission Committee know. – Carol Schlauch, Marie Halla, Joan Gordon.
Mary’s Mittens – The money raised from this effort goes toward giving the mittens to
various organizations: Master Manna, Salvation Army, and Chrysalis. Maggie will take
some of them to the Soup Kitchen to distribute to those in need.
Mary Zysk donates her time toward creating these mittens, and she makes about 100
pairs for this cause each year. So, if you don’t need a pair of mittens, you can always
buy a pair and then donate them.